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However, on the outskirts of São Paulo, community gardens have helped to change this reality: the resumption of the ancestral habit of growing food has provided autonomy and healthy food for families in the region. These are places where people need to travel more than 1.6 kilometers to find fresh food, such as salads and vegetables, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO).

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In the midst of tension between the United States and China, the two main economic powers in the world, the squid’s trip puts Brazil at the center of the dispute between the two countries.Įating in a dignified way is a right, but it is not accessed by everyone, especially by those who live in the so-called “food deserts”. So much so that Lula is going on his second trip outside Latin America since the beginning of his mandate: he leaves for China, to be received by Chinese President Xi Jinping.Įarlier, Lula visited neighboring Argentina and Uruguay and also went to the United States, where he met with US President Joe Biden. The government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has sought to reposition Brazil on the international stage and strengthen relations with other countries. To deepen the theme, Bem Viver receives the specialist and enthusiast of this book Professor Fábio Borges, who is director of the Latin American Institute of Economy, Society and Politics of the Federal University of Latin American Integration (Unila), located in Foz do Iguaçu ( PR). Extremely current, the work discusses in a unique way what the colonization process in the region meant and the marks it left until today.

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The Uruguayan scholar and poet Eduardo Galeano, who died in 2015 and is the author of the famous book “Veias Abertas da América Latina”, was the person who focused on understanding the region and its people.

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The very name “Latin America” reflects a process of exclusion: the name was given by France to distinguish the region, generalizing extremely diverse countries. Today (24), the Day of the Union of Latin American Peoples, the Bem Viver Program is committed to a current and precise debate on the social and economic development of Latin America, a region made up of 21 extremely different countries, with particular cultural marks, but also with a common story.Ĭolonization carried out by European countries, especially Spain and Portugal, over centuries, left scars that have not healed to this day. Open Veins of Latin America, by Eduardo Galeano, is still current work on the reality of the region

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